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Traditional Chinese Medicine Related Insights

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Astragalus root, c/s image
[ 3390 ]Astragalus membranaceus

Astragalus Root Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $7.25 Pound:  $16.10 
Astragalus root, powder image
[ 552 ]Astragalus membranaceus

Astragalus Root Powder

1/4 Pound:  $4.87 Pound:  $10.83 
Astragalus root, powder, organic image
[ 5062 ]Astragalus membranaceus

Astragalus root Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $3.90 Pound:  $15.58 
Burdock leaf, c/s image
[ 304 ]Arctium lappa

Burdock Leaf Cut & Sifted

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $5.48 Pound:  $12.17 out of stock   |   ETA: 11/15/2023  
Burdock root, c/s Organic image
[ 1329 ]Arctium lappaORG

Burdock Root Cut & Sifted, Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $5.85 Pound:  $13.00 out of stock   |   ETA: 12/01/2024  
Burdock root, powder Organic image
[ 249 ]Arctium lappaORG

Burdock Root Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $7.03 Pound:  $15.63 
Burdock root, c/s image
[ 1268 ]Arctium lappa

Burdock Root Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $3.29 Pound:  $7.32 
Burdock root, powder image
[ 307 ]Arctium lappa

Burdock Root Powder

1/4 Pound:  $3.95 Pound:  $8.78 
Cinnamon (Vietnam), powder image
[ 3533 ]Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon (Vietnam) Powder

1/4 Pound:  $4.99 Pound:  $11.09 
Cinnamon (Ceylon) powder organic image
[ 4350 ]Cinnamomum verum ORG

Cinnamon (Ceylon) Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $7.47 Pound:  $16.59 
Cinnamon Chips, c/s Organic image
[ 1801 ]Cinnamomum cassiaORG

Cinnamon Chips Cut & Sifted, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $7.04 Pound:  $15.64 
Cinnamon chips, c/s image
[ 456 ]Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon Chips Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $6.11 pound:  $13.57 
Cinnamon sticks, 1" image
[ 281 ]Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon Sticks 1"

1/4 Pound:  $5.26 Pound:  $11.69 
Cinnamon sticks, 10" image
[ 1044 ]Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon Sticks 10"

1/4 Pound:  $6.10 Pound:  $13.56 
Cinnamon sticks, 2-3/4" image
[ 641 ]Cinnamomum Burmanii Blume

Cinnamon Sticks 2-3/4"

1/4 Pound:  $5.42 Pound:  $12.05 
Cinnamon sticks, 4", Organic image
[ 2805 ]Cinnamomum cassiaORG

Cinnamon Sticks 4", Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $6.62 Pound:  $14.70 out of stock   |   ETA: 11/05/2024  
Cinnamon sticks, 6" image
[ 1488 ]Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon Sticks 6"

1/4 Pound:  $4.78 Pound:  $10.63 
Cinnamon, powder Organic image
[ 205 ]Cinnamomum cassiaORG

Cinnamon Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $5.84 Pound:  $12.98 
Cinnamon, powder image
[ 1172 ]Cinnamomum cassia

Cinnamon Powder

1/4 Pound:  $4.89 Pound:  $10.87 
Cloves, powder Organic image
[ 948 ]Syzygium aromaticumORG

Cloves Powder, Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $10.81 Pound:  $24.02 out of stock   |   ETA: UNKNOWN  
Cloves, whole Organic image
[ 762 ]Syzygium aromaticumORG

Cloves Whole, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $10.77 Pound:  $23.94 
Cloves, powder image
[ 264 ]Syzygium aromaticum

Cloves Powder

1/4 Pound:  $9.10 Pound:  $20.22 
Cloves, whole image
[ 161 ]Syzygium aromaticum

Cloves Whole

1/4 Pound:  $7.83 Pound:  $17.39 
Eleuthero root, c/s image
[ 1274 ]Eleutherococcus senticosus

Eleuthero Root Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $3.76 Pound:  $8.36 
Eleuthero root, powder image
[ 764 ]Eleutherococcus senticosus

Eleuthero Root Powder

1/4 Pound:  $3.96 Pound:  $8.80 
Fennel seed, powder Organic image
[ 3428 ]Foeniculum vulgareORG

Fennel Seed Powder, Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $4.28 Pound:  $9.50 out of stock   |   ETA: 12/25/2024  
Fennel seed, whole Organic image
[ 1868 ]Foeniculum vulgareORG

Fennel Seed Whole, Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $3.61 Pound:  $8.02 out of stock   |   ETA: 12/15/2024  
Fennel seed, powder image
[ 1460 ]Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel Seed Powder

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $1.83 Pound:  $4.06 out of stock   |   ETA: 11/15/2024  
Fennel seed, whole image
[ 1293 ]Foeniculum vulgare

Fennel Seed Whole

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $1.77 Pound:  $3.94 out of stock   |   ETA: 12/15/2024  
Fo Ti, pieces (He-shou-wu) image
[ 315 ]Polygonum multiflorum

Fo Ti (He-Shou-Wu) Pieces

1/4 Pound:  $9.86 Pound:  $21.90 
Fo Ti, powder (He-shou-wu) image
[ 267 ]Polygonum multiflorum

Fo Ti (He-Shou-Wu) Powder

1/4 Pound:  $6.01 Pound:  $13.36 
Frankincense tears image
[ 1295 ]Boswellia carteri

Frankincense Tears Pieces

1/4 Pound:  $5.23 Pound:  $11.63 
Frankincense tears, powder image
[ 311 ]Boswellia carteri

Frankincense Tears Powder

1/4 Pound:  $8.76 Pound:  $19.47 
Galangal root, c/s image
[ 108 ]Alpinia species

Galangal Root Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $5.25 Pound:  $11.67 
Galangal root, powder image
[ 326 ]Alpinia species

Galangal Root Powder

1/4 Pound:  $6.52 Pound:  $14.48 
Ginger root, crystallized, pieces image
[ 919 ]Zingiber officinale

Ginger Root Crystallized, Pieces

1/4 Pound:  $5.21 Pound:  $11.57 
Ginger root, c/s Organic image
[ 669 ]Zingiber officinaleORG

Ginger Root Cut & Sifted, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $5.90 Pound:  $13.12 
Ginger root, powder Organic image
[ 1867 ]Zingiber officinaleORG

Ginger Root Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $6.23 Pound:  $13.85 
Ginger root, c/s image
[ 813 ]Zingiber officinale

Ginger Root Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $3.44 Pound:  $7.64 
Ginger root, powder image
[ 623 ]Zingiber officinale

Ginger Root Powder

1/4 Pound:  $3.29 Pound:  $7.30 
Ginkgo leaf, c/s image
[ 1346 ]Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo Leaf Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $4.21 Pound:  $9.36 
Ginkgo leaf, powder image
[ 206 ]Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo Leaf Powder

1/4 Pound:  $4.48 Pound:  $9.95 
Ginseng (American), powder image
[ 1338 ]Panax quinquefolius

Ginseng (American) Powder

1/4 Pound:  $50.13 Pound:  $111.39 
Gotu kola, c/s, wild crafted image
[ 485 ]Centella asiatica

Gotu Kola Cut & Sifted, Wild Crafted

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $4.29 Pound:  $9.54 out of stock   |   ETA: 12/15/2024  
Gotu kola, powder, wild crafted image
[ 692 ]Centella asiatica

Gotu Kola Powder, Wild Crafted

1/4 Pound:  $4.66 Pound:  $10.35 
Hawthorn berry, powder Organic image
[ 3631 ]Crataegus monogyna L. ORG

Hawthorn Berry Powder, Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $5.59 Pound:  $12.42 out of stock   |   ETA:11/4/2024  
Hawthorn berry, whole Organic image
[ 3436 ]Crataegus monogyna L. ORG

Hawthorn Berry Whole, Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $3.60 Pound:  $8.00 out of stock   |   ETA: 11/1/2024  
Hawthorn berry, powder, wild crafted image
[ 379 ]Crataegus monogyna L.

Hawthorn Berry Powder, Wild Crafted

1/4 Pound:  $3.56 Pound:  $7.91 
Hawthorn berry, whole, wild crafted image
[ 1010 ]Crataegus monogyna L.

Hawthorn Berry Whole, Wild Crafted

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $3.02 Pound:  $6.71 out of stock   |   ETA:11/20/2024  
Horny goat weed, powder image
[ 4516 ]Epimedium sagittatum (Syn. E. sinense)

Horny Goat Weed Powder

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $10.53 Pound:  $23.39 out of stock   |   ETA: UNKNOWN  
Jiaogulan herb, powder image
[ 4517 ]Gynostemma pentaphyllum

Jiaogulan Herb Powder

1/4 Pound:  $6.47 Pound:  $14.37 
Kudzu root, c/s image
[ 4518 ]Pueraria lobata

Kudzu Root Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $3.76 Pound:  $8.36 
Licorice root, c/s Organic image
[ 886 ]Glycyrrhiza glabraORG

Licorice Root Cut & Sifted, Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $6.17 Pound:  $13.70 out of stock   |   ETA11/15/2024  
Licorice root, powder Organic image
[ 541 ]Glycyrrhiza glabraORG

Licorice Root Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $7.11 Pound:  $15.81 
Licorice root, c/s image
[ 314 ]Glycyrrhiza glabra

Licorice Root Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $4.13 Pound:  $9.18 
Licorice root, powder image
[ 56 ]Glycyrrhiza glabra

Licorice Root Powder

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $4.38 Pound:  $9.74 out of stock   |   ETA: 12/15/2024  
Lion's Mane mushroom, powder Organic image
[ 5024 ]Hericium erinaceusORG

Lion's Mane mushroom Powder organic

1/4 Pound:  $16.93 Pound:  $37.63 
Lycii berry, whole, organic image
[ 2808 ]Lycium chinenseORG

Lycii Berry Whole, Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $5.13 Pound:  $20.51 out of stock   |   ETA: 10/18/2024  
Lycii berry, whole image
[ 1212 ]Lycium chinense

Lycii Berry Whole

1/4 Pound:  $7.89 Pound:  $17.54 
Mushroom Cordyceps, powder organic image
[ 5039 ]Cordyceps sinensisORG

Mushroom Cordyceps Powder Organic

1/4 Pound:  $21.75 Pound:  $48.33 
Mustard seed, brown, whole image
[ 1281 ]Brassica nigra

Mustard Seed Brown, Whole

1/4 Pound:  $2.00 Pound:  $4.44 
Mustard seed, yellow powder Organic image
[ 424 ]Sinapis albaORG

Mustard Seed Yellow Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $3.33 Pound:  $7.40 
Mustard seed, yellow whole Organic image
[ 1342 ]Sinapis albaORG

Mustard Seed Yellow Whole, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $2.72 Pound:  $6.04 
Mustard seed, yellow, powder image
[ 297 ]Sinapis alba

Mustard Seed Yellow, Powder

1/4 Pound:  $2.58 Pound:  $5.73 
Mustard seed, yellow, whole image
[ 204 ]Sinapis alba

Mustard Seed Yellow, Whole

1/4 Pound:  $1.45 Pound:  $3.23 
Myrrh gum, pieces image
[ 1088 ]Commiphora molmol

Myrrh Gum Pieces

1/4 Pound:  $9.83 Pound:  $21.84 
Myrrh gum, powder image
[ 792 ]Commiphora molmol

Myrrh Gum Powder

1/4 Pound:  $13.93 Pound:  $30.96 
Nutmeg, ground image
[ 628 ]Myristica fragrans

Nutmeg Ground

1/4 Pound:  $6.44 Pound:  $14.32 
Nutmeg, whole image
[ 355 ]Myristica fragrans

Nutmeg Whole

1/4 Pound:  $7.78 Pound:  $17.29 
Cinnamon sticks, 2-3/4", Organic image
[ 2804 ]Cinnamomum cassiaORG

Cinnamon Sticks 2-3/4", Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $6.23 Pound:  $13.84 out of stock   |   ETA: 11/10/2024  
Cinnamon sticks, 5" (CEYLON), Organic image
[ 1308 ]Cinnamomum verumORG

Cinnamon Sticks (CEYLON) 5", Organic

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $12.97 Pound:  $28.83 out of stock  
Reishi mushroom, powder image
[ 1956 ]Ganoderma lucidum

Reishi Mushroom Powder

1/4 Pound:  $12.14 Pound:  $26.97 
Reishi mushroom, powder organic image
[ 5041 ]Ganoderma lucidumORG

Reishi Mushroom Powder Organic

1/4 Pound:  $13.18 Pound:  $29.29 
Rhodiola root, c/s image
[ 5036 ]Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola Root Cut & Sifted

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $13.14 Pound:  $29.19 out of stock   |   ETA: UNKNOWN  
Rhodiola root, powder image
[ 4523 ]Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola Root Powder

1/4 Pound:  $17.40 Pound:  $38.67 
Rhubarb root powder image
[ 5029 ]Rheum Officinale

Rhubarb Root Powder

1/4 Pound:  $4.18 Pound:  $9.28 
Rhubarb root, c/s image
[ 712 ]Rheum officinalis

Rhubarb Root Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $4.56 Pound:  $10.14 
Safflower, c/s image
[ 1241 ]Carthamus tinctorius

Safflower Cut & Sifted

1/4 Pound:  $24.52 Pound:  $54.48 
Safflower, powder image
[ 921 ]Carthamus tinctorius

Safflower Powder

1/4 Pound:  $19.71 Pound:  $43.79 
Schisandra berry, powder image
[ 1936 ]Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra Berry Powder

1/4 Pound:  $16.38 Pound:  $36.41 
Schisandra berry, whole image
[ 1447 ]Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra Berry Whole

1/4 Pound:  $15.75 Pound:  $34.99 
Schisandra berry, whole organic image
[ 5054 ]Schisandra chinensisORG

Schisandra berry Whole Organic

1/4 Pound:  $16.65 Pound:  $36.99 
Senna leaf, powder image
[ 2001 ]Senna alexandrina

Senna Leaf Powder

1/4 Pound:  $2.19 Pound:  $4.87 
Senna leaf, whole image
[ 377 ]Senna alexandrina

Senna Leaf Whole

1/4 Pound:  $2.42 Pound:  $5.37 
Senna pods, whole image
[ 546 ]Senna alexandrina

Senna Pods Whole

1/4 Pound:  $3.56 Pound:  $7.92 
Tribulus terrestris, powder image
[ 1952 ]Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris Powder

1/4 Pound:  $3.84 Pound:  $8.53 
Turmeric root, powder image
[ 119 ]Curcuma longa

Turmeric Root Powder

1/4 Pound:  $2.79 Pound:  $6.21 
Turmeric Root, c/s, organic image
[ 3460 ]Curcuma longaORG

Turmeric Root Cut & Sifted, Organic

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1/4 Pound:  $4.03 Pound:  $8.95 out of stock   |   ETA: 11/15/2024  
Turmeric root, powder Organic image
[ 1866 ]Curcuma longaORG

Turmeric Root Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $4.00 Pound:  $8.89 
Turmeric Root, c/s image
[ 3450 ]Curcuma longa

Turmeric Root Cut & Sifted

notify me
1/4 Pound:  $3.41 Pound:  $7.58 out of stock   |   ETA: 12/15/2024  

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