Author: Sarah Bay, Herbalist, Writer
Granby, Colorado is a land that has been tended by the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Ute tribes since time immemorial. At about 8,000 feet elevation, the landscape is blanketed with pine trees and at this time of year, a sweet layer of powdery white snow.
The road to Granby is a winding one. After arriving at the Denver International Airport, I loaded into a sprinter van with eight other herbalists from across the country and we started our two-hour journey west into the Rocky Mountains. We weaved our way up along the mountain roads and through national forest lands as the snowflakes danced in the air around us. We arrived at the symposium location at night, so it was truly a moment of awe when I opened the curtains of my hotel room in the morning and gazed through my window to see the sun lighting up the vast expanse of wild landscape around me.
The days that followed at the symposium were an herbalist’s dream. The conference was a hub of connections, with budding herbalists, practitioners, and medicine makers converging to share their wisdom and experiences. This year’s symposium theme, preserving herbal legacies, inspired important conversations of remembering our ancestors and the diverse array of lineages that have shaped herbalism today. The certificate track offering of the year was low dose botanicals and the air buzzed with the names of herbs such as poke, mistletoe, aconite, and veratrum.
The heart of the conference lay in its enlightening workshops. Experts from around the country came to speak on a wide variety of topics from Culpeper to Curanderismo. Within the theme of preserving herbal legacies, the schedule featured a selection of classes representing diverse bioregions and sociocultural backgrounds such as Hoodoo.
Other classes focused on the topic of low dose botanicals in clinical practice; a topic which can feel intimidating for many herbalists as these plants are often toxic or even deadly if not used properly. Walking into certain classes such as The Flight of the Witch and Baneful Balms gave the feeling like walking into the “Restricted Section” of the Hogwarts library.