Chamomile & Sweet Orange Balm

Rub this healing balm into skin to relieve dryness. Also works well on sore muscles, minor abrasions and other skin irritations.

Using a double boiler or bain marie, melt the Shea butter and beeswax together, stirring often. When completely melted, remove from the heat and add the essential oils. Stir well to combine. Transfer into a clean glass jar or tin and allow to cool thoroughly before capping.

Oatmeal & Lavender Milk Bath

The lactic acid in milk helps to generate new cell growth, while lavender and oat heals and soothes the skin.

Place the lavender flowers and oatmeal in a muslin bag or square of cheesecloth and tie it so that it hangs directly under the tub faucet; then turn on the hot water. As the tub fills, the bathwater will become infused with the healing properties of the herbs and oatmeal. Just before you’re ready to step into the bath, add the milk to the water and swirl with your fingers. If you wish, you can use the bag or cloth like a washcloth.

Sage Tooth Powder

It doesn’t get any easier than this!

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Dip a damp toothbrush into the bowl to pick up some of the mixture. Brush an rinse as usual.