Herbal Insights Deep Dive: The Basics and Benefits of Jasmine

Jasmine is not a new or trendy herb. This ancient herb has been utilized for its magnificent smell and health benefits for centuries, particularly among ancient Asian cultures, and spread to more Western cultures decades ago. Jasmine flower is still used in a variety of beauty products and teas that you can find in almost any grocery store or soap aisle. Some coffee shops even use jasmine as a flavoring along with cream to add a natural sweetness and aromatic complexity to coffee orders. We tend to take jasmine for granted because of its availability, but let’s just take a minute to understand this ancient aroma to appreciate where it started and why we may be so drawn to the herb after so many years.


Jasmine is a long-loved, Old World plant that is one of only 150 flowering plants that occurs naturally in tropical regions. The plant is well-known for its aromatics, the smell giving off a beautiful musk and sweetness at the same time–some have described the smell as a perfect balance of the masculine and feminine. Not only is the jasmine plant loved for its aromatic properties, but its long, ornamental bloom as well. The plant flowers from mid-summer into late fall make it an excellent addition to a garden in the right conditions.

Herbal Insights Deep Dive: The Basics & Benefits of Jasmine


Jasmine, specifically jasmine flowers, is often added to different tea blends like green or black tea, to add an extra sweet, floral aspect to the drink. Jasmine blooms are commonly added to skin and beauty products as well, being a great scent for any shampoo, soap, lotion, etc. Jasmine is said to help with skin irritations, which is another reason it is so heavily involved in the skin and beauty industry. Jasmine is also said to help settle upset stomachs, particularly when a person is suffering from diarrhea and other GI issues. The aroma of jasmine is also said to alleviate stress and improve mood.

  • Jasmine
  • Jasmine