Name: Chickweed (Stellaria sp.)

Common names: Chick Wittles, Winter Weed, Adder's Mouth, Star Chickweed, Star Weed, Mouse-ear, Satinflower

Range: Everywhere, including regions north of the Arctic Circle.

Parts Used: Leaves, stems and flowers.

Preparations: Dried herb as a tea or encapsulated, tincture, ointment, and oil infusions.


As the name implies, chickweed is considered an invasive weed by many homeowners desiring a luscious, green lawn. It is also a favorite food of chickens. The plant tastes just like corn silk when eaten raw and is comparable to spinach when cooked as vegetable. It is highly nutritious and virtually all species are edible. The leaves, stems and flowers can be added raw to salads, or quickly steam


Medicinally, chickweed can be made into a poultice and applied topically to treat cuts, burns, rashes, eczema, and psoriasis. The infusion, or strong tea, is used as an eyewash.

Chickweed tea is also reputed to be diuretic and helpful in treating urinary tract infections and inflammatory disorders, such as arthritis and rheumatism. The tea is also taken to help soothe peptic and duodenal ulcers.

Constituents: Vitamins A, B complex, C and D, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, silica, copper, niacin, thiamine, rutin, and coumarins.

Cautions/Contraindications: Generally, none. However, very high doses may promote diarrhea.

Disclaimer: This information has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.